About Us

We are one of the active suppliers of Fruit and Nuts based in Brno, Czech Republic. We supply all types of dried fruit and nuts everywhere in the European Union (EU) region. Our team sources the quality products from all over the world.

Classic Fruit and Nuts is a certified organic dates supplier (Biokont - CZ-BIO-003).
Biokont - CZ-BIO-003

about our BUSINESS

A wide range of dried fruit and nuts are imported and stored for an instant supply to the market.

We focus on customers to achieve their satisfaction that is why we have developed a valuable customer portfolio.

We understand that our customers are the key strength and a great source of success.

We welcome every new relationship and maintain a solid bond with our existing customers.


Our values include:
:: Integrity
:: Trust
:: Commitment
:: Innovation
:: Ethics

We build trust by fulfilling our commitment with integrity and enabling our customers to innovate their products with cost effective solutions.

Fruit & Nuts Supply

Following are the main produce we offer to our valuable customers:
Dry fruits: Apples (rings or dices), Apricots, Bananas (chips after drying), Blueberries, Figs, Date Fruit (whole, pitted, diced, sliced, paste), Papaya, Pears, Plums, Prunes, Peaches, Pineapples, Grapes, Raisins, Cherries, Strawberries, Persimmons, Kiwifruit, Cranberries, Mangoes, Nectarines, Sultanas and Currants.

Nuts/Seeds: Chestnut, Almonds, Cashews, Walnuts, Hazelnuts, Pistachio, Peanuts (Groundnuts), Brazil Nuts, Macadamia Nuts, Pumpkin Seeds, Pine Nuts, Pecans, Sunflower Seeds, Acorns, Beech Dried Coconut, Bopple Nut, Beef Nut, Monkey Nut and Red Nut.

Our products provide a great choice to our ultimate consumers who are health cautious and fond of healthy food.

Nuts and Dried Fruit is the best source of energy and consumed as snacks.